Is It Worth It To Buy Periscope Hearts?
First of all, Periscope is a new streaming application that is making wave. It allows users to stream live events and share it. It even goes further. It allows users to chat with audience while streaming. The only drawback is that Periscope servers do not retain any event for more than 24 hours before the event is deleted automatically. However, users can download it into their devices before the videos are deleted.

Periscope hearts are like Facebook likes and twitter favorites. Hearts are the only method viewers use to indicate their likes for a particular video. So, the number of Periscope hearts of any video is used as a yardstick to assess the video’s popularity. This is a reason people sometimes buy Periscope hearts.
Giving a Periscope heart indicates that you like the video file or the audio file or you appreciate and support the broadcaster. But Periscope hearts differ from Facebook likes in one big way. You can’t like a particular Facebook post more than once. The problem is that Facebook like button toggles. Clicking the button the second time means you are “unliking” the post. But, you can give as many Periscope hearts as you want to a video or audio file. It will eventually explode into a shower of hearts.
Currently, Periscope hearts limit is 500. Even if any broadcaster gets more than 500 hearts, he or she will only get credit for 500 hearts. Periscope has become a great marketing and publicity tool. Every broadcaster is categorized in his or her niche. It is necessary to purchase Periscope hearts because the number of hearts in your profile indicates your popularity and your level of authority in your niche.
Hence, Periscope hearts are being used to boost credibility. The higher the number of Periscope hearts on your profile the more your credibility. So, people buy Periscope hearts to gain publicity and when they have it, they capitalize on the credibility to render third party marketing services.
Whatever will boost the sale of your products or services is worth paying for. Isn’t it? This is why people pay through their nose for marketing, advertisement and search engine optimization services. Periscope has become a cheap platform for marketing and publicity. It makes so much sense to buy Periscope hearts.
The world is crazy about social media so any product or service that is publicized or advertised on any social media usually gets to a large audience. And Periscope users are already in their millions and they will still continue to increase gradually.
Conclusively, Periscope hearts help to boost your popularity and credibility and when you earn a certain level of credibility, whatever you advertise goes viral. So, it is worth it to buy Periscope hearts or get it through other means.